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Where do I put the $(document).ready()?

I've been trying to add JavaScript to my HTML/CSS, but been running around in circles.

My current set-up is where the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files (2 files; my JavaScript code, and jQuery's code) are all separate, but linked to each other via the HTML page.

So here are my questions:

  1. Do I put the link to the jQuery code within the HTML head? Or within my JavaScript code page?

  2. Where does this code go? The HTML page, or my JavaScript page?

      //Code here
  3. Above, by 'code here', they mean JavaScript code, right? Not my html code?

  4. I've read about initializing JavaScript code at the bottom of an HTML page. From what I take though, I don't have to do that with jQuery's .ready function, right?


    1. You should like to your JavaScript files either in the <head> or above the closing </body> tag.
    2. The code can go anywhere really, but I would suggest an external JavaScript page.
    3. Yes
    4. This is correct.