I am trying to debug my code but im confused why converting from euler angles to quaternions and back is not giving me consistent results. Can someone help ?
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
# Define test rotation in degrees
testrotation = np.zeros([2, 2, 3])
testrotation[0, 0] = [45, 30, 60]
testrotation[0, 1] = [10, 20, 30]
testrotation[1, 0] = [90, 0, 45]
testrotation[1, 1] = [90, 45, 30]
#################### Euler -> Quaternions using SciPy
scipy_quaternions_temp = R.from_euler("ZYX", np.radians(testrotation.reshape(-1, 3)))
scipy_quaternions = np.roll(scipy_quaternions_temp.as_quat(), shift=1, axis=-1).reshape(testrotation.shape[0], testrotation.shape[1], 4)
print("Quaternions (wxyz format):\n", scipy_quaternions, "\n")
#################### Quaternions -> Euler using SciPy
scipy_euler_angles = np.rad2deg(scipy_quaternions_temp.as_euler('zyx', degrees=False)).reshape(testrotation.shape[0], testrotation.shape[1], 3)
print("Euler angles after conversion and normalization:\n", scipy_euler_angles, "\n")
#################### Euler -> Quaternions (back conversion) using SciPy
scipy_quat_reconverted = R.from_euler('zyx', np.radians(scipy_euler_angles.reshape(-1, 3))).as_quat().reshape(testrotation.shape[0], testrotation.shape[1], 4)
scipy_quat_reconverted = np.roll(scipy_quat_reconverted, shift=1, axis=-1)
print("Reconverted quaternions (wxyz format):\n", scipy_quat_reconverted, "\n")
You can see that the euler angles I get back are not the same.
Quaternions (wxyz format):
[[[ 0.82236317 0.36042341 0.39190384 0.20056212]
[ 0.95154852 0.23929834 0.18930786 0.03813458]]
[[ 0.65328148 0.27059805 0.27059805 0.65328148]
[ 0.70105738 -0.09229596 0.43045933 0.56098553]]]
Euler angles after conversion and normalization:
[[[ 4.42303689e+00 5.21060674e+01 4.51703838e+01]
[-1.11605468e+00 2.22421809e+01 2.84517753e+01]]
[[ 9.00000000e+01 4.50000000e+01 1.27222187e-14]
[ 9.00000000e+01 3.00000000e+01 -4.50000000e+01]]]
Reconverted quaternions (wxyz format):
[[[ 0.82236317 0.36042341 0.39190384 0.20056212]
[ 0.95154852 0.23929834 0.18930786 0.03813458]]
[[ 0.65328148 0.27059805 0.27059805 0.65328148]
[ 0.70105738 -0.09229596 0.43045933 0.56098553]]]
This is because you are mixing "ZYX" (intrinsic rotations) with "zyx" (extrinsic rotations). Use the same format everywhere and you should get consistent results.