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How to use values from CTE in ON CONFLICT UPDATE

I have a table that has 2 columns _key (string) and data (json), I am trying to upsert data into the table and getting error

missing FROM-clause entry for table "updates"

The error goes away if I remove the DO UPDATE SET and replace it with DO NOTHING.

I have also tried using EXCLUDED.field & EXCLUDED.value in the UPDATE section, but that results in another error

column excluded.field does not exist

Here is the query I am trying to fix, if there is a conflict the query is supposed to update the json object so that the column is set to the oldValue + newValue.

WITH updates AS 
    SELECT UNNEST($1::TEXT[]) AS _key,
           UNNEST($2::TEXT[]) AS field,
           UNNEST($3::NUMERIC[]) AS value
INSERT INTO "legacy_hash" ("_key", "data")
SELECT _key, jsonb_build_object(field, value) FROM updates
ON CONFLICT ("_key")
DO UPDATE SET "data" = jsonb_set(
    to_jsonb(COALESCE(("legacy_hash"."data"->>updates.field)::NUMERIC, 0) + updates.value)

I have a version that works on a single (key, field, value) below

INSERT INTO "legacy_hash" ("_key", "data")
VALUES ($1::TEXT, jsonb_build_object($2::TEXT, $3::NUMERIC))
ON CONFLICT ("_key")
DO UPDATE SET "data" = jsonb_set(
    to_jsonb(COALESCE(("legacy_hash"."data"->>$2::TEXT)::NUMERIC, 0) + $3::NUMERIC)


  • Unfortunately, the only tables you can access in the ON CONFLICT DO clause are the current row values (as the table name, or alias if any), and the proposed but failing row (as the excluded table).

    The SET and WHERE clauses in ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE have access to the existing row using the table's name (or an alias), and to the row proposed for insertion using the special excluded table.

    But in your case, you can rebuild what you need in a more convoluted way, by breaking down the jsonb to get your values out. You can use the JSONPath function keyvalue() to get the keys and values of an object as a JSONB array.

    WITH updates AS (
        SELECT UNNEST($1::TEXT[]) AS _key,
               UNNEST($2::TEXT[]) AS field,
               UNNEST($3::NUMERIC[]) AS value
    INSERT INTO legacy_hash (_key, data)
    SELECT _key, jsonb_build_object(field, value)
    FROM updates
    ON CONFLICT (_key)
    DO UPDATE SET data = jsonb_set(, 
        ARRAY[jsonb_path_query_first(, '$.keyvalue()[0]')->>'key'],
          COALESCE((>>(jsonb_path_query_first(, '$.keyvalue()[0]')->>'key'::text))::NUMERIC, 0)
          + (jsonb_path_query_first(, '$.keyvalue()[0]')->>'value')::NUMERIC

    Alternatively, just use a MERGE

    WITH updates AS (
        SELECT UNNEST($1::TEXT[]) AS _key,
               UNNEST($2::TEXT[]) AS field,
               UNNEST($3::NUMERIC[]) AS value
    MERGE INTO legacy_hash AS lh
    USING updates AS u
    ON u._key = lh._key
      INSERT (_key, data)
      VALUES (u._key, jsonb_build_object(u.field, u.value))
        data = jsonb_set(
          to_jsonb(COALESCE((>>u.field)::NUMERIC, 0) + u.value)
