I'm creating a JSON structure by using a JSON_OBJECT and JSON_ARRAY functions in my select query. The problem I have is with the format in which datetime columns are returned in the formatted JSON result.
For example I have a table titles
id (INT), title (VARCHAR), created_at (DATETIME)
and a row would be like this
1,"Title 1","2019-02-03 12:13:14"
If I now do the following query
SELECT JSON_OBJECT('title',title,'created_at',created_at) AS title_json FROM titles WHERE id = 1;
I will get the resulting title_json column as:
"title": "Title 1",
"created_at": "2019-02-03 12:13:14.000000"
I would like to have the datetime values returned in the standard YYYY-MM-DD HH:ii:ss format, without the trailing zeroes.
Is this possible?
I have looked through the JSON_OBJECT documentation but couldn't find any clues to this mystery. I'm thinking the format used might be defined somewhere in the server/database settings. The ideal solution for my case would be to optionally set the desired format in individual queries themselves.
I'm using: Server: MySQL Community Server (GPL) Version: 5.7.24
You can use DATE_FORMAT
SELECT JSON_OBJECT('title',title,'created_at',
DATE_FORMAT(created_at, "%Y-%c-%d %H:%i:%s")) AS title_json
FROM titles
WHERE id = 1;