As in the title, the example below shows that the std::string
is able to store multiple string termination characters. How to trim the string so the size()
and length()
reflects its actual length i.e. the c-string length. Is there a built in method?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::string s;
s = "abc";
s[1] = '\0';
std::cout << "'" << s << "', " << s.size() << ", " << (int) s[1];
If you have access to C++20 or higher then there is a built in function for this: std::erase
With this you can can remove all nested null characters like
std::erase(my_string, '\0');
This works because the final '\0'
that ends the string lives at end
and that is outside the range that erase
will use since erase uses [begin(), end())
If you want to remove everything after the first '\0'
then you can use
my_string.erase(std::find(my_string.begin(), my_string.end(), '\0'), my_string.end());