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Print greek characters in CLion IDE

OS - Windows 8.1

IDE - CLion 2021.3.2

I need to print some greek characters but what I have is these symbols: ╬╗ , ╬╝ , ¤ü

enter image description here

What am I doing wrong? This is my settings for file encodings:

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • I resolved installing an old version of Clion (v 2021.1.3) default settings.

    enter image description here

    Others tentatives changing that not worked:

    1. I had tried to reset the default settings in Clion v 2021.3.2
    2. SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8); but I needed to change c standard from C99-->C90 in CMakeLists.txt to work

    Regarding the negative score, maybe it was a banal question, but I tried to solve it from a week unsuccessfully. I am not an expert in the language C or in computer science in general, and I just did not have others to ask how to solve my problem, thus I have only wanted some help.