An Error Occured [3587] [53000] ERROR: Insufficient resources to execute plan on pool general [Request Too Large:Memory(KB) Exceeded: Requested = 1256952, Free = 859950 (Limit = 859950, Used = 0)]
On executing a script in Vertica DB, I received the above error message.
When I executed the below query,
SELECT memory_size_kb FROM RESOURCE_POOL_STATUS WHERE pool_name = 'general';
I found that the memory_size_kb of general pool is significantly low (is 859950KB). How can I increase it to near 10000000 value. MY system is of 32GB RAM.
Here, the maximum memory size of built-in GENERAL pool in vertica is limited to 859950KB(~ 4GB). One of the following method might help resolve the issue
, and see if it specifies any memory allocation. If a memory limit is set, increase it to a higher value as required.memory=12GB