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Can I solve this equation without looping for each value of x and y?

Given 2 positive integers c and n, find any 2 positive integer answers for x and y that satisfy the following equation: √x + √y = √z where z = c²n.


The first line of the input contains a single integer t (1≤t≤105), the number of test cases. The first and only line of each test case consists of 2 space-separated integers c and n (4≤c²n≤1018, 2≤c≤109, 1≤n≤109)


For each test case output 2 space-separated positive integers x and y, the answer to the equation.

If there are multiple answers, print any.

I tried to make y = n, and then calculate x by quadratic analysis:

√x + √y = c*√n
=> x + 2√y√x + y = c²n
=> x + 2√y√x + y - c²n =0

Then, I calculated x by quadratic analysis:

=> x = (-b + √(b² - 4ac))/2a

Note: the time limit for this problem is 1.3 seconds, which means in the worst case I shouldn't use more than 1010 or 1011 steps.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int t, n , c;
    double x, num1, num2;

    cin >> t;

    for(int i=0; i<t; i++)
        cin >> c >> n;

        num1 = (double)n - (pow(c, 2)*n);
        num2 = (double) ((-2*sqrt(n))+sqrt((4*n)-(4*num1)))/2;

        cout << (double)pow(num2 , 2) << ' ' << n;

I get the wrong answer but I don't know what's wrong.


  • #include <iostream>
    void solve_test_case() {
        long long c, n;
        std::cin >> c >> n;
        // Strategy: Let's make x = (c-1)*(c-1)*n and y = n
        // This ensures √x + √y = c√n
        long long x = (c-1)*(c-1)*n;
        long long y = n;
        std::cout << x << " " << y << "\n";
    int main() {
        int t;
        std::cin >> t;
        while (t--) {
        return 0;