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SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions Fails With "Invalid Window", Any Ideas?

I've been trying to solve this problem and I've been drawing a blank. Below is the script I have been trying to run with no success. All that happens for me is I run the program, the script initializes SDL3, loads the default library, creates a window, then queries the necessary extensions. Upon running SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions(...), I get the error "Invalid Window" from SDL_GetError(). I'm creating the window with SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN, but it's not working. I've debugged and the window is not NULL, it does appear on the screen. However, I can't do anything to fix this. Leaving the header files I'm using in because I don't know if that might be interfering with the process.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include <cglm/cglm.h>
#include <vk_mem_alloc.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <SDL3/SDL.h>
#include <SDL3/SDL_vulkan.h>

typedef struct Window_T {
    SDL_Window* window;
    VkExtent2D size;
    char* name;
    VkSurfaceKHR surface;
} Window;

int main(void) {
    printf("Hello, World!\n");


    printf("ERROR INIT: %s\n", SDL_GetError());

    printf("ERROR LOAD: %s\n", SDL_GetError());

    Window window;
    //createWindow(&window, 800, 600, "Hello from SDL3");
    window.window = SDL_CreateWindow("Hello, SDL3!", 800, 600, SDL_WINDOW_VULKAN);
    printf("ERROR MAKE: %s\n", SDL_GetError());

    Uint32 sdl_required_extension_count;
    const char* const* sdl_required_extensions = SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions(&sdl_required_extension_count);

    printf("SDL_REQUIRED_EXTENSION_COUNT: %d\n", sdl_required_extension_count);
    printf("ERROR: %s\n", SDL_GetError());

    return 0;

I've tried printf debugging, SDL_GetError(), checking the linker, reading the documentation, but nothing seems to be showing the solution. If anyone can help I would be very grateful!


  • I've tried to replicate your code using SDL preview-3.1.6 and both the extension number and the required extensions get reported correctly. The steps I followed are:

    • git clone SDL
    • Open and build SDL/VisualC/SDL.sln
    • Create a new project with your code
    • Add an include directory that points to SDL/include.
    • Add a linker path to SDL/VisualC/x64/Debug
    • Copy SDL/VisualC/x64/Debug/SDL3.dll into the same folder as the exe.

    If after following these steps you get the same error you need to check that you have a good Vulkan installation and that you are linking correctly with SDL.

    First thing I would try is to check that the demos in the Vulkan SDK work. You can find them at %VULKAN_SDK%/Demos.

    After that I would test a basic triangle sample you can find online. For example:

    • git clone --recursive
    • cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64
    • Then set the Triangle demo as the default project, then build and run it

    If the Vulkan Demos or the Triangle Example work it means you have a problem with SDL. Check that you are linking with the correct lib/dll or try with SDL2.

    To make tesing easier you can use this batch file:

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
        set      prjName=Sandbox
        set        files=%~dp0\src\main.cpp
        set     buildDir=%~dp0\build\Win-x64-%target%\%prjName%\
        set  buildIntDir=%~dp0\build-int\Win-x64-%target%\%prjName%\
        set   exceptions=-EHa-
        set    subsystem=-subsystem:console
        echo Building %prjName% for %target%...
        set compilerFlags=^
            -Fe%prjName% ^
            -Fo%buildIntDir% ^
            -diagnostics:column ^
            -Oi -Gm- -GR- %exceptions% -FC -nologo -std:c++17 ^
            -fp:fast -fp:except- ^
            -D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0 ^
            -I %~dp0\src ^
            -I%VULKAN_SDK%\Include ^
        set   debugCompilerFlags=-MDd -Zo -Zi
        set releaseCompilerFlags=-MD -GL -O2
        set          linkerFlags=-WX -opt:ref -incremental:no %subsystem% -LIBPATH:C:\dev\SDL\VisualC\x64\Debug
        :: Create Build directories and copy resources.res
        if not exist %buildDir% mkdir %buildDir%
        if not exist %buildIntDir% mkdir %buildIntDir%
        pushd %buildDir%
            del %prjName%.pdb > NUL 2> NUL
            del %prjName%.* > NUL 2> NUL
            cl %compilerFlags% %debugCompilerFlags% %files% /link %linkerFlags% SDL3.lib
        goto :exit
        exit /B !ERRORLEVEL!

    With this folder structure:

    • build.bat
    • [src]
      • main.cpp
    • [build]
    • [build-int]

    Call build.bat and the copy SDL/VisualC/x64/Debug/SDL3.dll in build/Win-x64-Debug/Sandbox. Afther that you can open the exe in Visual Studio or your debugger of choice and test it.