I have the following:
extension Data : CustomStringConvertible {
var description : String {
return base64EncodedString()
This shows a warning:
Conformance of 'Data' to protocol 'CustomStringConvertible' was already stated in the type's module 'Foundation'
And because of this warning, Data
isn't printed using the description
Is this not supported?
As Claus Jørgensen's answer says, you cannot "override" the protocol witness description
in your own extension.
If the whole purpose of doing this is just so you can directly print
the data, there is an alternative.
You see, print
doesn't just use CustomStringConvertible.description
to print values. print
just uses String.init(describing:)
to work out what string to print, and String.init(describing:)
would first check if the value conforms to TextOutputStreamable
, before it checks for CustomStringConvertible
Luckily, Data
doesn't conform to TextOutputStreamable
, so you can write
extension Data : @retroactive TextOutputStreamable {
public func write<Target>(to target: inout Target) where Target : TextOutputStream {
That said, this would be a problem when in some future version Data
does conform to TextOutputStreamable
. Therefore, the best thing to do is to bite the bullet and explicitly write data.base64EncodedString()
in your print