I am new in IOS development and git. I am having a problem after merging my local repo to the dev repo. After merging when I build the project I get an error in the Xcode that says, "The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation."
I searched about this and tried the usual solution reinstalling the pods. But executing
pod install
I get another error in terminal that says
At this point I tried deleting the files associated with the "FTPopOverMenu" pod and reinstalling with pod install. The error doesn't go away. Also, I tried solving it in this way - Error:“The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock…” after installing RestKit with cocoapods
But both error in the Xcode and in the terminal still remains. I'm new to IOS and Git. I really don't understand what is really happening here.
As per my guess you are working on an old project means which is already developed in Xcode 8 series and now you are working with latest Xcode and you have updated the code accordingly.
So just do the below steps:
It will remove all old cocoapods traces.
OR Alternate way to do it (Temp Work Around)