I have these two classes, one inheriting from the other.
When an external script calls .copy(), it always receives a parent DataComponent, never a BooleanProperty.
If copy() isn't called, a pass-by-reference is obtained instead, causing changes to one instance to affect another one (because they're the same; I don't want this);
I believe this is a me-problem not knowing the syntax of the language or something, hopefully it's just that.
Using Unity 2020.3.17f1 with Windows 10.
Code of the two classes:
public class DataComponent
public DataComponent(string n = "")
name = n;
public string name;
[System.NonSerialized]public string value;
public DataComponent copy()
DataComponent ret = new DataComponent(this.name);
ret.value = this.value;
return ret;
public class BooleanProperty : DataComponent
public BooleanProperty(string n = "") : base(n) { }
public new bool value;
public new BooleanProperty copy()
BooleanProperty ret = new BooleanProperty(name);
ret.value = value;
return ret;
-The problem was solved by declaring a separate copyBool() method inside BooleanProperty. Calling copyBool() works as expected (returns a new instance)
The use of new
like this is a red flag that you're using inheritance incorrectly. You have two classes that need to implement the same functions and be used interchangeably. This sounds like an interface.
public interface IComponent
IComponent Copy();
public class DataComponent : IComponent
public string Value { get; set; } = "";
public IComponent Copy()
return new DataComponent { Value = Value };
public class BooleanComponent : IComponent
public bool Value { get; set; }
public IComponent Copy()
return new BooleanComponent { Value = Value };
If you have other requirements that mean you need to inherit BooleanComponent
from DataComponent
you could do that, making Copy
virtual and still returning an IComponent