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Why is my postgres constraint name suffix different from the standard?

In this SO answer: PostgreSQL: default constraint names

It would appear that my foreign key (not named at time of table creation) should have defaulted to the suffix _fkey... But it seems to have instead defaulted to the suffix _foreign instead. Is this normal?

I am worried about creating a migration where I assume the constraint name and it works in my environment and then breaks everywhere else...

Is there way to ensure I reference the constraint correctly in any environment?

Updated with info:

  • posgres version: 16.4

  • client that created the key: knex

  • The complete FK command used: table.foreign('userId').references('')

  • psql with \d:

    I'm sorry but I am not allowed to post code from our codebase, so here it is with redactions:

    "***_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "***" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree ("***Id", "***Id")
Foreign-key constraints:
    "***_***id_foreign" FOREIGN KEY ("***Id") REFERENCES ***(id)
    "***_userid_foreign" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES users(id)    <=== the column of interest


  • shows the syntax:

    table.foreign(columns, [foreignKeyName])

    This appears to show an optional method withKeyName() you can use to specify the constraint name.

    I'm not a user of knex, so I'm not going to test this. Give it a try!

    Edit: If you don't specify the constraint name, knex chooses one, and it may not be the same as PostgreSQL's own default. That is, the knex framework does specify a constraint name, whether it's one you specify or not.

    You noticed the documentation states this:

    A default key name using the columns is used unless foreignKeyName is specified.