I wrote the following SQL statement to get data from two tables gendata
& TrainingMatrix
SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON ("TrainingMatrix".payroll, "TrainingName", "Institute")"gendata"."Employee Name","gendata"."Position", "gendata"."Department", "TrainingMatrix".*
FROM "TrainingMatrix" JOIN "gendata" ON "TrainingMatrix".payroll = "gendata".payroll
ORDER BY payroll, "TrainingName", "Institute" ,"TrainingDate" DESC NULLS LAST) AS foo;
It works fine, but I need to filter the records more by:
WHERE "TrainingMatrix"."ExpiryDate" - current_date <= 0
AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM "TrainingMatrix"."ExpiryDate") = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM current_date);
So, the orginal SQL statement will be:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON ("TrainingMatrix".payroll, "TrainingName", "Institute")"gendata"."Employee Name","gendata"."Position", "gendata"."Department", "TrainingMatrix".*
FROM "TrainingMatrix" JOIN "gendata" ON "TrainingMatrix".payroll = "gendata".payroll
ORDER BY payroll, "TrainingName", "Institute" ,"TrainingDate" DESC NULLS LAST) AS foo WHERE "TrainingMatrix"."ExpiryDate" - current_date <= 0
AND EXTRACT(YEAR FROM "TrainingMatrix"."ExpiryDate") = EXTRACT(YEAR FROM current_date);
But I got this error:
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "TrainingMatrix" LINE 3: ...te" ,"TrainingDate" DESC NULLS LAST) AS foo WHERE "TrainingM...
I am using PostgreSQL. Any advise guys?
As you have wrapped your actual query into a derived table (the select .. from (...) as foo
) your "table" isn't called TrainingMatrix
any longer. You need to reference it using the alias you use for the derived table:
select *
from (
... you original query ..
) as foo
where foo."ExpiryDate" - current_date <= 0
and extract(year from foo."ExpiryDate") = extract(year from current_date)
Btw: I would recommend you stop using quoted identifiers "ExpiryDate"
using case-sensitive names usually gives you more trouble than it's worth.