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Google Closed Testing

I have recruited testers for my closed testing, but I got rejected by "More testing required to access Google Play production" after I applied for production. Is there a way to monitor if the tester really test your app or how to see if my app is ready for production


  • I'm a fiver seller

    Google Play is not approving apps even after applying for 3rd time too. even a korean company contacted me for testing service as their app is got rejected 3rd time and they were testing it on its own people in the company on daily bases.

    Just to make you ensure that there is even not 1% problem in the testing. its all google treating everyone the same. they were approving apps on 2nd attempt on apply to production from 13th

    • Also here is what google doing from the starting ;)

    -> Starting from December 2023 They were approving all apps on 1st attempt to apply to production

    -> Starting from 13th May 2024 they started rejecting on 1st attempt

    -> Starting from 23 July 2024 they started rejecting each and every app. and till now not approving any further apps even on the 3rd attempt.

    Google might have paused or restricted closed testing approvals for several reasons, such as updates to their policies, technical issues, or changes in their testing and review processes.

    Testing app on daily bases or giving feedback or some might think google want quality apps. all are myths.