The Google Play Store app (aka. Android Market) has updated to have many cool features, even wishlist of apps.
I wonder if there is any official API to communicate with it, even intents. I wonder if people just looked at the log to see the intents, or that there is an official API to reach each page of the app.
Here are some examples of what such API might be able to let you do:
And so on…
1 . what would you do in order to add an app to the wishlist of the google play?
You can't
2 . what would you do in order to go to the reviews of a specific app , or even go to the part where you write a review of it ?
You can open up the app's page on Google Play using Intent with the URL from the link at the bottom of this answer.
3 . is there a way to query the apps of a specific company there ?
At best, you can use the Search URL to display a list of a particular developers apps.
4 . what about a query of apps that were installed in the past ?
You can't.