Instance member 'initSharedPreferences' can't be accessed using static access.dartstatic_access_to_instance_member
class SharedPrefHelper {
SharedPreferences? sharedPref;
Future<void> initSharedPreferences() async {
print("Running get instance");
sharedPref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
Future initiateAuthBloc() async {
await SharedPrefHelper.initSharedPreferences();
when I tried to access this methos got an above error, How to fix it?
You have to define static before variable, Like this
class SharedPrefHelper {
static SharedPreferences? sharedPref;
static Future<void> initSharedPreferences() async {
print("Running get instance");
sharedPref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
Future<void> initiateAuthBloc() async {
await SharedPrefHelper.initSharedPreferences();