I'm facing an issue with the file_picker_cross package while working on a Flutter web project.
The error I'm encountering:
/C:/Users/ROSE%20PC/AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/file_picker_cross-4.6.0/lib/file_picker_cross.dart:136:14: Error: Method not found: 'NullThrownError'.
throw (NullThrownError());
I have already attempted the following steps to resolve the issue, but they did not work for me:
Additional information:
Looking at the package page and repository, it seems abandoned and I find also people opening issues for your same problem here, the last update of the package was a year ago and so Flutter/Dart version breaking changes might simply break it as well.
I recommend you search for alternatives or to fork and fix the problem from its repository.