Hi I am new to the dart and flutter framework.
I am throwing error like below from my service class where i am calling the API.
if(res["status"]!=200) throw new Exception("Invalid User");
and receiving in presenter class like below and printing
.catchError((Object error){
I am expecting the result as "Invalid User", but am getting with additional word like "Exception: Invalid User". Can you please explain me why this additional word 'Exception' is coming? and how can i get only the string which i am passing.
Surprisingly that's how written in exception toString code.
String toString() {
if (message == null) return "Exception";
return "Exception: $message"; // your message will be appended after exception.
If you want to avoid this then you have to create custom exception like below:
class HttpException implements Exception {
final String message;
HttpException(this.message); // Pass your message in constructor.
String toString() {
return message;