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How can I add and subtract to a variable from multiple game objects without losing the accuracy?

I have more than 100(close to 200) enemy game objects in my scene and 5-6 being spawned every second. I'm using object pooling and the objects are not being instantiated every time but only when needed. I'm trying to record the stats where I can show total enemies remaining and total enemies taken down. A simple mathematical function of addition and subtraction from respective game objects is not adding up to what it should be. For example: Total enemies spawned 200 (when I didn't kill a single one) I kill a lot of enemies in an instant but when I'm done killing them all, enemies remaining is not always zero.

I tried killing the enemies one by one as they spawn and the addition and subtraction adds up correctly.

So how can I add and subtract to a variable from multiple game objects without loosing the accuracy?

    public void TookDownEnemy(int enemiesTookDown)
        //enemiesAlive -= enemiesTookDown;
        enemiesTakenDown += enemiesTookDown;

        Debug.Log("stats, enemies took down: " + enemiesTakenDown);


    public void SpawnedNewEnemy(int spawned)
        enemiesAlive += spawned;


    public void UpdateStats()
        enemiesTakenDownText.text = ": " + enemiesTakenDown.ToString();
        enemiesAliveText.text = ": " + (enemiesAlive - enemiesTakenDown).ToString();

I'm calling SpawnedNewEnemy from a an enemy spawning game object everytime it spawns a new enemy, TookDownEnemy gets called from the gameobject when they are spawned.

    public void InstantiateNewEnemy()


        Enemy instance = ObjectPooler.DequeueObject<Enemy>("Enemy");

        instance.Initialize(10.0f); // get this hp value from the experience manager




        int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, enemySpawnPoints.childCount);

        instance.transform.position = enemySpawnPoints.GetChild(randomIndex).position;

        instance.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

In a similar way when enemy is killed or dies

if(hp <= 0 && !isDead)
    //Destroy(this.gameObject); // use pooling here
    isDead = true;



    Invoke("EnqueueGameObject", 0.25f);


Instead of directly adding and subtracting from a variable I made three different variables.

  1. enemiesSpawned
  2. enemiesTookDown
  3. enemiesRemaining

where enemiesRemaining = enemiesSpawned - enemiesTookDown

Even this is having a discrepancy. I'm assuming there should be a way to queue the addition and subtraction operation rather than just doing it.

UPDATE: I tried doing it by queuing the addition and subtraction operations and execute those operations at a defined interval.

   public void TookDownEnemy(int enemiesTookDown)


   public void SpawnedNewEnemy(int spawned)


Now I've also limited the spawning of enemies to 260(based on time I'm spawning a total of 260 enemies). When using Queue to add and subtract I'm sumhow(pun intended) always ending up with a difference of 80. Where 80 enemies remaining and I took down 180.

Here's how I'm adding those numbers up every 2 second.

   public void UpdateStats()

       while(enemiesAliveQueue.Count > 0)
           enemiesAlive += (int)enemiesAliveQueue.Dequeue();

       while(enemiesTookDownQueue.Count > 0)
           enemiesTakenDown += (int)enemiesTookDownQueue.Dequeue();

       enemiesTakenDownText.text = ": " + enemiesTakenDown.ToString();
       coinsCollectedText.text = ": " + coinsCollected.ToString();
       enemiesAliveText.text = ": " + (enemiesAlive - enemiesTakenDown).ToString();


  • So I did manage to solve the issue but still don't know why the inconsistency was being caused.

    Previously I was using my own implementation of Object Pool by following a YouTube video in which a generic class was created to create pools which can then be accessed as needed. It works as expected but it is more of a C# solution than a Unity solution to object pooling.

    public static void EnqueueObject<T>(T item, string name) where T : Component
        if (!item.gameObject.activeSelf)
        item.transform.position =;
        Debug.Log("item.GetType(): " + item.GetType());
    public static T DequeueObject<T>(string key) where T : Component
        if (poolDictionary[key].TryDequeue(out var item))
            return (T)item;
        return (T)EnqueueNewInstance(poolLookup[key], key);
        //return (T)poolDictionary[key].Dequeue();
    public static T EnqueueNewInstance<T>(T item, string key) where T : Component
        T newInstance = Object.Instantiate(item);
        newInstance.transform.position =;
        return newInstance;

    Turns out the right way to pool objects in Unity is to use UnityEngine.Pool instead. I followed this tutorial which was essentially doing the same thing but this time I don't have to worry about the queue.

    I added these to my EnemySpawner.cs,

    private void Start()
        _enemyPool = new ObjectPool<Enemy>(() =>
            return Instantiate(enemyPrefab);
        }, enemy =>
        }, enemy =>
        }, enemy =>
        }, false, 10, 20);
    public void KillEnemy(Enemy enemy)
    public void InstantiateNewEnemy()
        Enemy instance = _enemyPool.Get();
        instance.Initialize(10.0f); // get this hp value from the experience manager
        int randomIndex = Random.Range(0, enemySpawnPoints.childCount);
        instance.transform.position = enemySpawnPoints.GetChild(randomIndex).position;
        instance.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

    Then when an enemy is killed

    public void KillMyself()

    (originally posted as an edit to the question by OP, rather than as an answer)