is there a way to filter out extensive terraform data source output, that doesn't have "built-in filter"? I am using DNACENTER provider, and specifically this data source.
When I run below:
data "dnacenter_file_namespace_files" "example" {
provider = dnacenter
name_space = "nw_orch"
output "dnacenter_file_namespace_files_example" {
value = data.dnacenter_file_namespace_files.example.items
I get output that looks like this:
Changes to Outputs:
+ dnacenter_file_namespace_files_example = {
+ id = "1720985135"
+ items = [
+ {
+ attribute_info = ""
+ download_path = "/file/a156b130-5c40-4227-a8b9-ab2cd8cc6ed6"
+ encrypted = ""
+ file_format = "text/csv"
+ file_size = "87"
+ id = "a156b130-5c40-4227-a8b9-ab2cd8cc6ed6"
+ md5_checksum = "bc37d95c037bbf8f17ff704a9a445694"
+ name = "site1.csv"
+ name_space = "nw_orch"
+ sftp_server_list = [
+ jsonencode(
+ createTimeStamp = "05/12/2024 11:44:26"
+ downloadurl = "/nw_orch/a156b130-5c40-4227-a8b9-ab2cd8cc6ed6/site1.csv"
+ id = "d5bc91e7-58c4-4f65-b865-67e6a26bfa51"
+ sftpserverid = "18adcb51-ca12-4a9c-9e55-46e0743ee49e"
+ status = "SUCCESS"
+ updateTimeStamp = "05/12/2024 11:44:26"
+ sha1_checksum = "a5b02a92d80850870abbc0a5ac6b169361c0efe9"
+ task_id = ""
+ {
+ attribute_info = ""
+ download_path = "/file/3e2079b8-d9be-4668-8ae2-16345e5b8388"
+ encrypted = ""
+ file_format = "text/csv"
+ file_size = "93"
+ id = "3e2079b8-d9be-4668-8ae2-16345e5b888"
+ md5_checksum = "cab5fd8fea4b40e209b346ec76beed92"
+ name = "site2.csv"
+ name_space = "nw_orch"
+ sftp_server_list = [
+ jsonencode(
+ createTimeStamp = "07/14/2024 11:57:16"
+ downloadurl = "/nw_orch/3e2079b8-d9be-4668-8ae2-16345e5b8388/site2.csv"
+ id = "726d6c00-4dbd-4a0f-a8e5-59daba4e3eb4"
+ sftpserverid = "18adcb51-ca12-4a9c-9e55-46e0743ee49e"
+ status = "SUCCESS"
+ updateTimeStamp = "07/14/2024 11:57:16"
+ sha1_checksum = "d162b5914e9633d16a09830143ffcd5f31a4019d"
+ task_id = ""
+ {
+ attribute_info = ""
+ download_path = "/file/47e0bd91-b415-49e7-aa34-e4879340ea76"
+ encrypted = ""
+ file_format = "text/csv"
+ file_size = "93"
+ id = "47e0bd91-b415-49e7-aa34-e4879340ea76"
+ md5_checksum = "cab5fd8fea4b40e209b346ec76beed91"
+ name = "LP3-lan_auto_device_v2.csv"
+ name_space = "nw_orch"
+ sftp_server_list = [
+ jsonencode(
+ createTimeStamp = "07/14/2024 12:17:36"
+ downloadurl = "/nw_orch/47e0bd91-b415-49e7-aa34-e4879340ea76/LP3-lan_auto_device_v2.csv"
+ id = "162046ed-37d9-458a-adaf-3d2b188caf33"
+ sftpserverid = "18adcb51-ca12-4a9b-9e55-46e0743ee49e"
+ status = "SUCCESS"
+ updateTimeStamp = "07/14/2024 12:17:36"
+ sha1_checksum = "d162b5914e9611d16a09830143ffcd5f31a4018d"
+ task_id = ""
+ name_space = "nw_orch"
From this output I am only interested in the id of the file, which has a specific name, e.g. "site1.csv", which has this id "a156b130-5c40-4227-a8b9-ab2cd8cc6ed6". I can export all IDs:
data "dnacenter_file_namespace_files" "example" {
provider = dnacenter
name_space = "nw_orch"
output "dnacenter_file_namespace_files_example" {
value = data.dnacenter_file_namespace_files.example.items.*.id
and get something as below.
Changes to Outputs:
+ dnacenter_file_namespace_files_example = [
+ "a156b130-5c40-4227-a8b9-ab2cd8cc6ed6",
+ "47e0bd91-b415-49e7-aa34-e4879340ea76",
But can I use some filtering, or a condition to get only the ID of a file with a specific name? Thanks!
You should be able to filter output from the data source using the for
output "dnacenter_file_namespace_files_example" {
value = [for item in data.dnacenter_file_namespace_files.example.items: if == "site1.csv"]
I can't test it right now for syntax correctness but I hope you will get the idea how it can be done.