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Terraform Error while trying to use Azure Key Vault Private Endpoint Resource

I am trying to create a Private Endpoint resource for my KV which is there in the Identity Subscription My Private DNS Zones and Private DNS Zone virtual network links are all in the Connectivity Subscription I have put the code for those two resources in the Connectivity Folder

Now i want to create the Private Endpoint for my KV in Identity subscription and am using the below code

resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "kv_pe" {
  name                = format("pe-%s-%s-%s-%s",local.application_names.workload_type,var.environment,var.location_short_name,var.instance_number)
  resource_group_name = module.resource_group.rg_name_subs
  location            = var.location
  subnet_id           =
  private_dns_zone_group {
    name                 = local.application_name.kv_dns_zone_group_name
    private_dns_zone_ids = [azurerm_private_dns_zone.private_dns_zones["privatelink-vaultcore-azure-net"].id]
  private_service_connection {
    is_manual_connection           = false
    private_connection_resource_id = 
    name                           = local.application_names.pes_conn_name_kv
    subresource_names              = ["vault"]
  depends_on = [module.key_vault]

TF is throwing the below error while trying to do a plan :

Error: Reference to undeclared resource
│   on subscriptions/identity/ line 417, in resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "kv_pe":
│  417:     private_dns_zone_ids = [azurerm_private_dns_zone.private_dns_zones["privatelink-vaultcore-azure-net"].id]
│ A managed resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "private_dns_zones" has not
│ been declared in module.identity_subscription.

How do i refer the private dns zone that i have created under "" file in the "" where i am creating the KV private endpoint

My folder structure is shown in the screenshot

enter image description here


  • You can use a data block to reference the existing azurerm_private_dns_zone resource in the file. This can ensures that the files azurerm_private_dns_zone created in the connectivity folder/module can be accessed by the identity folder/module.

    Here is the updated Terraform code below to reference the private DNS zone from in the block.


    resource "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "kv_private_dns_zone" {
      name                = ""
      resource_group_name = "Venkat-RG"


       data "azurerm_private_dns_zone" "name" {
          name                = ""
        resource "azurerm_private_endpoint" "kv_private_endpoint" {
          name                = "venkat-vaulttest"
          resource_group_name = "Venkat-RG"
          location            = "eastus"      
          subnet_id           = "/subscriptions/833hgjgja7c-4dafjgjjggjg/resourceGroups/Venkat-RG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/venkat-vnet/subnets/KV-subnet"
          private_dns_zone_group {
            name                 = "kv-private-dns-group"
            private_dns_zone_ids = []
          private_service_connection {
            is_manual_connection           = false
            private_connection_resource_id = "/subscriptions/8332bf56-aa7c-4daa-a507-d7e60e5f09a9/resourceGroups/Venkat-RG/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/venkat-vault"
            name                           = "keyvault-connection"
            subresource_names              = ["vault"]

    provider "azurerm" {
      features {}
      subscription_id ="8332ccccc507-d7e60e5f09a9"
    module "connectivity" {
      source = "./subscription/connectivity"
    module "identity" {
      source = "./subscription/identity"
      depends_on = [ module.connectivity ]

    My Folder Staructure

    enter image description here

    Terraform apply

    enter image description here

    After running the script, the private endpoint was created and attached to the Key Vault.

    enter image description here