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AzureRM maintenance configuration - set to a specific day to run

I’m trying to create a maintenance configuration for Azure Update Manager, however when I create the configuration it doesn’t look like there’s an option to specify the day which you’d like it to run - unless you need to specify this somewhere else?

It defaults to a Monday to run the checks although I’d like this to run on a Saturday. In the window block the only options are: start_date_time, expiration_date_time, duration, time_zone, recur_every

I’ve tried setting the start_date_time to a Saturday and setting the recur_every to Week but this made no difference.

Was wondering if someone could help advise where abouts the days of the week to set can be configured for the maintenance period?

Example of TF I'm using:

resource "azurerm_maintenance_configuration" "maintenance" {
  name                = "test-${var.environment}-${var.location}"
  resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
  location            = var.location
  scope               = "InGuestPatch"

  install_patches {
    linux {
      classifications_to_include = [ "Critical", "Security", "Other" ]
    reboot = "IfRequired"
  in_guest_user_patch_mode = "User"

  window {
    start_date_time = "2025-01-11 00:00"
    time_zone = "GMT Standard Time"
    recur_every = "Week"
    duration    = "03:00"


  • Figured this one out, you need to change recur_every from "Week" to "7Days".