I've got a question around the best way to refactor a Factory like this:
I am working on a side-project and have ended up in a position whereby I have an OrderProductFactory that requires a strategy pattern for payment but then also a repository which dictates where my OrderProducts are stored so for example:
final readonly class OrderProductFactory
public static function create(string $orderProductPaymentStrategyType, string $repositoryType, array $repositoryParams): OrderProduct
return OrderProduct::for(
self::createOrderRepository($repositoryType, $repositoryParams)
private static function createOrderProductPaymentStrategy(string $type): OrderProductPaymentStrategy
return match ($type) {
CardPayment::name() => new OrderCardPayment(),
default => throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported OrderProductPaymentStrategy type: ' . $type),
private static function createOrderRepository(string $type, array $params): OrderRepository
return match ($type) {
SqliteOrderRepository::name() => new SqliteOrderRepository($params['database_path'] ?? throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid File Path for SqliteOrderRepository')),
default => throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported OrderRepository type: ' . $type),
This works in a way as I can easily swap out what creates my order product so I can call it with usage such as:
$orderProduct = OrderProductFactory::create('card-payment', 'sqlite');
However this feels incorrect to me as it is violating SRP as while my OrderProductFactory cares about what it's payment strategy is and also how it's persisted.
It feels incorrect that it is responsible for:
Is there a better way I can approach this perhaps with a Builder or a Factory of Factories pattern? Open to improvements. Thanks
If you want do that in similar way to your code just use Enums (that simplifies argument validation and takes implementation listing outside Factory class).
final readonly class OrderProductFactory
public static function create(Payment $payment, Repository $repository): OrderProduct
return OrderProduct::for(
enum Payment
case CardPayment;
public function getPaymentStrategy(): OrderProductPaymentStrategy
return match ($this) {
self::CardPayment => new OrderCardPayment(),
enum Repository
case SqliteOrderRepository;
public function getRepository(array $params): OrderRepository
return match ($this) {
self::SqliteOrderRepository => new SqliteOrderRepository(),
And the usage:
$orderProduct = OrderProductFactory::create(Payment::CardPayment, Repository::Sqlite);
But in my opinion whole Factory class is redundant, since OrderProduct::for
is in fact a Factory itself. Just define Payment
and Repository
as interfaces (what is in fact an essence of Strategy Pattern) and feed it with context-appropriate implementations.
class OrderProduct
public static function for(Payment $payment, Repository $repository): self
return new OrderProduct($payment, $repository);
interface Payment
// some methods
class OrderCardPayment implements Payment
// some implementation
interface Repository
// some methods
class Sqlite implements Repository
// some implementation
And usage:
$orderProduct = OrderProductFactory::for(
payment: new OrderCardPayment(),
repository: new Sqlite()
In terms of "magic $params", I don't see why the database path should be passed as an argument. Either it should be set in app configuration or it should be used as an argument of different Repository interface implementations.