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Invoke automatic row processing (DML) process programmatically

I am using Oracle APEX 22.1.4 and I am trying to invoke automatic row processing (DML) process programmatically.

I tried as follows but it doesn't work.

    'SAVE_PERSON', // Specify your process name here
        request: 'UPDATE', // Specify the DML operation (CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.)
        dataType: 'text', // Ensure the response type is handled correctly
        success: function(data) {
            console.log('DML operation executed successfully: ' + data);
        error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            console.error('Error executing DML operation:', errorThrown);

Can anybody suggest an idea to achieve this?


  • First of all, to have a custom process on your page, you either need a form region or a Interactive grid:

    Form - Automatic Row Processing (DML)
    Process to insert, update, or delete a form region row(s).
    Interactive Grid - Automatic Row Processing (DML)
    Process to insert, update, or delete Interactive Grid rows.

    Second point you need to consider is the Syntax: As Help section on the page suggests:

        case :APEX$ROW_STATUS
        when 'C' then
            insert into emp ( empno, ename, deptno )
            values ( :P1_EMPNO, :P1_ENAME, :P1_DEPTNO )
            returning rowid into :P1_ROWID;
        when 'U' then
            update emp
               set ename  = :P1_ENAME,
                   deptno = :P1_DEPTNO
             where rowid  = :P1_ROWID;
        when 'D' then
            delete emp
             where rowid = :P1_ROWID;
        end case;

    You need to use this format to have a custom code as DML. The example code you are using in you question, is an example of AJAX callback Javascript function

    custom DML example ** You of course need to modify the code and conditions for your use-case. This is just a simple example of how the PL/SQL code should be structured for custom DML.