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hide HIGHLIGHTS presets from end user

Is there a way to hide this¹ from users?

ORACLE APEX interactive report Highlight setting

even though I like to use this very much, it's kind of irritating to have these tags at the top of the report.

(1) It's the thing that appears when you do ACTION/FORMAT/Highlight on an interactive report. It also gives user the ability to edit highlighting conditions, when they click on it.


  • Inspect the element in the browser dev tools. Notice that the container div around the interactive report filters/formats has a class a-IRR-controlsContainer. With this info you can get to work.

    Create a dynamic action:

    • Event: After Refresh
    • Event Scope: Dynamic (if you set this to static they will reappear on partial page refresh)

    Add a true action:

    • Action: Execute javascript code:
    • Code: $('.a-IRR-controlsContainer').hide()
    • Fire on initialization: true

    Note that if you do this, it could be confusing to users because they can add a filter but no longer remove it (since that control is hidden...)