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Create a box for only the last 5 bars: A Simple Problem I can't crack

I want to create a box around the last 5 bars. I only want to draw one box on the chart.

I have written this code, but it doesnt work.

// @version=5
indicator("One Box", overlay=true)

var int left = na
if barstate.islast
    left := bar_index-5

top    = ta.highest(5)
bottom = ta.lowest(5) left ,top= top, right= bar_index, bottom= bottom)

Many thanks


  • After you reate your box, you need to delete the previous instance. No need for any if check.

    top    = ta.highest(5)
    bottom = ta.lowest(5)
    bx = - 4, top=top, right=bar_index, bottom=bottom)

    Or declare your box with the var keyword and just move it on every bar. This will be more performance efficient.

    top    = ta.highest(5)
    bottom = ta.lowest(5)
    var bx =, na, na, na)
    box.set_lefttop(bx, bar_index - 4, top)
    box.set_rightbottom(bx, bar_index, bottom)