how can i use a boolean inside Plotcandle?
plotcandle(open_c, open_c, close_c, close_c, title='Candles', color=open_c < close_c ?,50) :,50), wickcolor=na, bordercolor=open_c < close_c ?,50) :,50))
What im trying to do is using a boolean input and then plot when checkbox is True
candle_bool = input.bool(defval=true, title='Candles')
As i use to do with the classic plot()
function for plotting conditionally:
plot(candle_bool ? open_c : na [.....])
But how can i do a similar job with plotcandle()
Your title sasys plotshape()
but your question has plotcandle()
You can use the display
argument in both cases.
plotcandle(open, high, low, close, "Bar", display=candle_bool ? display.all : display.none)