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Perl beginner: IF syntax for empty input

I have typed a little program to refresh my Perl knowledge, especially the IF and Else-Case I was interested in. How do I make Perl recognize that the input was empty? I checked the input with "==" and also with "eq" but my program always says "You have typed nothing!".


# input line
$input_line = "";

# terminal input
print "Input:";
$input_line = <STDIN>;

# input verification
print "Your input was: ", "$input_line";
print "\n";

# decider terminal input
if ($input_line ==  "" or $input_line eq "")
   { print "You have typed nothing!";
     print "\n"; }
        { print "Typing nothing is bad!";
          print "\n"; }

And the output if I type "Hello" is:

Your input was: Hello

You have typed nothing!

If I type Hello, then there is input.

If I type nothing, then the output should write "You have typed nothing!", and the Else-Case should also appear.


  • Always add use warnings; to your code to get more information as to why it does not work:

    Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at ... line ..., line 1.

    One approach is to check the length of the string input. It is also a good practice to chomp the input to remove any newline character.

    use warnings;
    use strict;
    # input line
    my $input_line = "";
    # terminal input
    print "Input:";
    $input_line = <STDIN>;
    chomp $input_line;
    # input verification
    print "Your input was: ", "$input_line";
    print "\n";
    # decider terminal input
    if (length($input_line) == 0) {
        print "You have typed nothing!";
        print "\n";

    It is also good practice to add use strict;. In this case you need to declare variables with my.

    Since you are new to Perl, refer to the Basic debugging checklist