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Perl Screen Scrape Data from Table

I would like write a Perl script to get the html contents of a webpage and then scrape the contents of a table. The exact page is:

So far I am able to regex the Artist, Album, and Genre as well as the first entry in the table using the code below:

use LWP::Simple;

$url = "";
my $mystring = get($url) or die "Error fetching source page.";
$mystring =~ s/[\r\n]/ /g;      #remove line breaks from HTML
$mystring =~ s/(>)\s+(<)/$1$2/g;    #Remove white space between html tags 
#print $mystring;

if($mystring =~ m{</table><h1>(.*?) - (.*?) - (.*?)</h1>}) {
    #Get Artist name and print
    print "Artist: $1\n";
    print "Album:  $2\n";
    print "Genre:  $3\n\n";

    if($mystring =~ m{</tr><tr class="row-(.*?)"><td>(.*?)</td><td align="right">(.*?)</td></tr>}) {
        #Get Songname and BPM and print
        #print "$1\t";
        print "$2\t";
        print "$3\n";

In the nest IF, the class alternates between "row-a" and "row-b".

I am not sure how to go down the list and get all of the song names and BPMs for each. I would also like to put the songnames and BPMs into an array for processing later.

Thank you.


  • Using regular expressions to process HTML is nearly always a bad idea.

    Don't be bad.

    Use a module that understands HTML data for processing HTML data.

    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use LWP::Simple;
    use HTML::TableExtract;
    my $html = get '';
    my $te = new HTML::TableExtract( headers => ['Track Name', 'BPM'] );
    foreach my $ts ($te->table_states) {
       foreach my $row ($ts->rows) {
           next unless $row->[0] =~ /\w/;   # skip garbage rows
           printf "%-20s   ==>   %.2f\n", $row->[0], $row->[1];