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Googlesheet GETPIVOTDATA Function using Date as reference in another cell

In googlesheet i'm getting a "field combination not found" error when using the function GETPIVOTDATA. I'm getting the error when using another cell as a reference date.

This is the formula I'm using:


wherein: $Q$1 is the cell containing the reference pivot. Q46 is the cell containing a valid date. R46 is the cell containing the reference Name. Please see image below...

here is the scrnshot

What i'm trying to do is pull the data in the pivot and display it into another table by changing the value in the cell "Q46" (reference date) and "R46" (referance name).


  • You may try:

    =getpivotdata(S$45,$Q$1,"Date",text($Q46,"mmmm d, yyyy"),"Name",$R46)

    enter image description here