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In Kotlin Android KTor POST request with multi part form data is returning Malformed FormData Request

I am trying to access Stability AI in android using Ktor Client the code looks like this

suspend fun generateImageOfText(text: String,aspectRatio: String = "1:1", apiKey: String): Result {
    return try {
        val response ="") {
            header(HttpHeaders.Authorization, "Bearer $apiKey")
            header(HttpHeaders.Accept, "application/json")
                formData {
                    append("prompt", text)
                boundary = "WebAppBoundary"
        val resultText = response.bodyAsText()
        Log.d("APIConnector", "generateImageOfText: status ${response.status} result $resultText")
    }catch (e: Exception){
        (Result.Error(e.message ?: "Unknown error"))

which results in

400 Bad Request response {"success":false,"message":"Malformed FormData request. Content-Disposition header in FormData part is missing a name."}

Stability API requires us to provide it with Multi part form data but where should I include this content-disposition header? I did check in official documentation where it gives us an example to upload an image file which looks like this

val client = HttpClient(CIO)

val response: HttpResponse ="http://localhost:8080/upload") {
        formData {
            append("description", "Ktor logo")
            append("image", File("ktor_logo.png").readBytes(), {
                append(HttpHeaders.ContentType, "image/png")
                append(HttpHeaders.ContentDisposition, "filename=\"ktor_logo.png\"")
        boundary = "WebAppBoundary"
    onUpload { bytesSentTotal, contentLength ->
        println("Sent $bytesSentTotal bytes from $contentLength")

in this example a file is getting uploaded and it's file name is sent using Content-Disposition header but in my case I do not have any file to upload still I did try to pass in a string as name but It gave the same error, API is working in postman with the same parameters

EDIT 1: I have tried to include Content Type in my formData block but it was of no use

formData {
     append("prompt", text, {
         append(HttpHeaders.ContentType, "text/plain")
     }) }

Edit 2: After adding additional quotes as suggested in the answer and comments I was able to move forward thanks a lot, final code looks like this

suspend fun generateImageOfText(text: String,aspectRatio: String = "1:1", apiKey: String): Result {
        return try {
            val response ="") {
                header(HttpHeaders.Authorization, "Bearer $apiKey")
                header(HttpHeaders.Accept, "application/json")
                    formData {
                        append("\"prompt\"", text, {
                            append(HttpHeaders.ContentDisposition, "form-data; name=\"prompt\"")
            val result: Base64Result = response.body()
        }catch (e: Exception){
            (Result.Error(e.message ?: "Unknown error"))


  • I had the same problem in C# and also received the error message Malformed FormData request. Content-Disposition header in FormData part is missing a name. For some strange reason I had to wrap the parameter names in two quotes.

    var prompt = "Cat on the moon";
    var format = "3:2";
    using var content = new MultipartFormDataContent()
        { new StringContent(prompt), "\"prompt\"" },
        { new StringContent("png"), "\"output_format\"" },
        { new StringContent(format), "\"aspect_ratio\"" }
    var url = "";
    var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url)
        Content = content
    request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("image/*"));
    var response = await _httpClient.SendAsync(request);