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Can't play sound file in Compose Desktop

I'm trying to play a WAV file using Java Clip

val uri = Res.getUri("files/frog.wav")
val audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(File(uri))
val clip: Clip = AudioSystem.getClip()

I stored frog.wav in commonMain/composeResouces/files because according to documentation, you must put wav files in that directory and get the URI to these files with Res.getUri()

The route in which is located the file is inside a .jar, maybe that is the problem, but the documentation doesn't tell how to solve it. jar:file:\C:\Users\user\AndroidStudioProjects\Desktop\Project\composeApp\build\libs\composeApp-desktop.jar!\composeResources\romshelper.composeapp.generated.resources\files\frog.wav

What can I try next?


  • Solved, It was necessary to cut all the uri route until the end of the .jar, so I made a substring until !/

    Also it was necessary to add buffer for mark/reset support. Finally the working code is as follows:

    val uri = Res.getUri(sound.path)
    val resourcePath = uri.substringAfter("!/") // getting the route inside the jar
    val resourceStream: InputStream? = javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/$resourcePath")
    resourceStream?.let {
        val bufferedIn: InputStream = BufferedInputStream(resourceStream) // adding buffer for mark/reset support
        val audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(bufferedIn)
        val clip: Clip = AudioSystem.getClip()