How do I set resolution, setImageCaptureResolutionSelector()
? I am using CameraController
but getting very confused between its documentation and ProcessCameraProvider
documentation. Here is my code:
val controller = remember {
LifecycleCameraController(applicationContext).apply {
setEnabledUseCases(CameraController.IMAGE_CAPTURE or CameraController.VIDEO_CAPTURE)
//setImageCaptureResolutionSelector() // is this where it goes? what value gets passed to it? - struggling to find examples.
I've seen that there is a ResolutionStrategy.HIGHEST_AVAILABLE_STRATEGY
which allows defaulting to the highest camera resolution. How do I use this? Should I be doing something like this and if so how do I apply it?
*** UPDATE ***
This functions without errors:
val resolutionSelector = ResolutionSelector.Builder().setResolutionStrategy(ResolutionStrategy.HIGHEST_AVAILABLE_STRATEGY).build()
val controller = remember {
LifecycleCameraController(applicationContext).apply {
setEnabledUseCases(CameraController.IMAGE_CAPTURE or CameraController.VIDEO_CAPTURE)
When I query the ResolutionSelector like so:
val res = controller.getImageCaptureResolutionSelector()
Log.w("Resolution", "*** RESOLUTION ***: " + res.toString())
I get:
*** RESOLUTION ***: details about what resolution has been set and the resolution is not changing in any way - the images created are 1088x1440 (my camera goes to 3120x4160). Why is this not working?
This is how I resolved the issue:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if(!hasRequiredPermissions()) {
setContent {
CameraApp1Theme {
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val scaffoldState = rememberBottomSheetScaffoldState()
// set a size variable
val screenSize = Size(3120, 4160)
// build a resolutionselector using that size
val resolutionSelector = ResolutionSelector.Builder().setResolutionStrategy(ResolutionStrategy(screenSize, ResolutionStrategy.FALLBACK_RULE_CLOSEST_HIGHER_THEN_LOWER)).build()
val controller = remember {
LifecycleCameraController(applicationContext).apply {
// The 'or' here seemed to be the issue
//setEnabledUseCases(CameraController.IMAGE_CAPTURE or CameraController.VIDEO_CAPTURE)
The 'or' and setting two enabled use cases at the same time seemed to be the issue. I have seem comments on forums that setting both at once can sometimes not work and there is a workaround to set one and then another if you need image and video. I don't at the moment so I just set mine to image.
EDIT: I've blocked out where I've put the code in the mainactivity class. This should clarify where you need to add it to your own project.