Search code examples

Excel search for certain text within cell and return vlookup from a range

In Table 1 I have a column of Names in one tab (column H) and would like to bring in the Contact information (column I) based on a list (columns A and B) in a separate tab (Table 2). Table 1 example:

Name Contact Info
Univ of Utah Facilities ?
BMI properties ?
C/O Health HOA Management ?

List Table 2 example:

If Name contains the following text Contact Info
Univ of Utah [email protected]
BMI 123-456-7890
Health HOA [email protected]

I would like my original Table 1 to look like this Table 3 example:

Name Contact Info
Univ of Utah Facilities [email protected]
BMI properties 123-456-7890
C/O Health HOA Management [email protected]

The issue I'm encountering is that it's looking only for an exact match of contents of the full name cell (even when I use "X" wildcard). Is there a way to search for just specific text within the cell (e.g., BMI within a cell even though the cell says BMI Properties) and return as a vlookup or something, the value in the adjacent cell? Thank you for your help! I've searched extensively and nothing works.


  • Here is one way of achieving the desired output:

    enter image description here

    =MAP(A2:A4,LAMBDA(α, FILTER(E2:E4,1-ISERR(FIND(" "&D2:D4&" "," "&α&" ")))))

    Similarly, can use XLOOKUP() as well:

    =MAP(A2:A4,LAMBDA(δ,XLOOKUP(1,1-ISERR(FIND(" "&D2:D4&" "," "&δ&" ")),E2:E4)))

    Please ensure to change the cell range and reference as per your suit.

    Also since you mention in the OP, you are using Structured References then use it in the following way:

    enter image description here

     1-ISERR(FIND(" "&Table2[If Name contains the following text]&" "," "&[@Name]&" ")),
     Table2[Contact Info])

    If have access to REGEXTEST() can test as well, this works on my end:

     REGEXTEST(A2,"\b"&Table2[If Name contains the following text]&"\b"),
     Table2[Contact Info],"None")