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How to format graph to show dates from one or more sheets on the horizontal axis?

I have a graph on one sheet, each trend on the graph comes from a different sheet.

The X-axis shows dates. The Y-axis shows values.

Each sheet shows data where the newest date is at the top row on each sheet, each row is formatted as:

Date, Value, Difference

I would like the X-axis on the graph to be a combination of the dates from data sheets showing dates in oldest to newest order.

I would like the Y-axis to show the data from each sheet, in the reverse order that is exists on the sheet, so oldest to new on the graph.

Each each sheet represents data from a different company with dates that carry on from previous periods so there is no overlap.

Can anyone help with the set-up of Excel to do this? I'm using Microsoft Excel for Mac Version 16.16.27 (201012)


  • The quickest way to achieve what you describe is to create a helper range. Use Power Query to consolidate the data from the different sheets into one query table. Then construct a different range using formulas to pull from that query output exactly the data points that you want to feed into the chart.

    Excel charts are very dependent on their underlying data, and complex charts are easier to construct if the heavy lifting is done when preparing that data source, be it with lookup formulas, data sort order, or aggregations. Then you can simply insert a new chart, select the prepared data source and be on your way.

    It's impossible to give a more detailed answer since you provided no sample data nor a description of the desired results, but if you want to learn more about what I describe, take a look at Jon Peltier's site