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Gitlab pages "root" page

I have set up a gitlab server and gitlab pages for our company internal gitlab. The configuration was made according to Pages domain with tls support without wildcard dns.

The pages work correctly and i can access the pages over the address as expected.

I was now wondering if there is a way to define the "base" or "root" page for the whole instance. That page would then be served on the address

Currently, when I call in my browser it redirects multiple times to

The documentation describes ways of defining group pages but I have not found a way to define a "root" page.

It could also be a redirect to another page. Similar as it is done when you call

Thanks for your help!


  • Followed the same setup as you, noticed this redirect loop.

    I fixed it by adding this to my gitlab.rb:

    pages_nginx['custom_gitlab_server_config'] = "# Fix redirect loop\n  location ~ ^/$ {\n    return 302 $scheme://$http_host/default/page;\n  }"

    Then I ran the command:

    gitlab-ctl reconfigure

    Change 'default/page' to direct the user to the page you want to be default.