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Gitlab CI CD variable are not getting injected while running gitlab pipeline

I am running the below code section in gitlab-ci.yml file:

- pip install --upgrade pip
- cd ./TestAutomation
- pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Below are the keys and values. So I have to pass any values to the pipeline with key as a variable ENV : dev

I have added all the above three variables in the GitLab CI CD variables sections by expanding them. just added a single value along with key

I also found like we can add variables in the .yml file itself as below. I am not sure how we can add multiple values for one key

   value: "some value" # this would be the default value
   description: "This variable makes cakes delicious"

When I run the pipeline I am getting errors as looks like these variables and values are not injected properly.

More details:

And the same error I am getting while running the pipeline. Hence my suspect is like Category variable is not injected properly when I am running through the pipeline

If needed I will show it on the share screen

What I have observed is --the values associated with keys which I am passing as parameter or variables , those are not injected or replaced instead of key. So ideally ${Category} should be replaced with value smoke etc


  • Variables set in the GitLab UI are not passed down to service containers. To set them, assign them to variables in the UI, then re-assign them in your .gitlab-ci.yml:

      - Test
    # Added this to your yml file
      ENV: $ENV
      Category: $Category
      stage: Test
        name: joyzourky/python-chromedriver:3.8
        entrypoint: [""]
      - micro
      - develop
      when: manual
        - pip install --upgrade pip 
        - cd ./src/Tests/UIAutomation
        - pip install -r ./requirements.txt
        - pytest -s -v --env=${ENV} --browser=${BROWSER} --alluredir=./reports ./tests -m ${Category}
        when: always
        - ./src/Tests/UIAutomation/reports/
        - ./src/Tests/UIAutomation/logs/
        expire_in: 1 day

    Please refer attachment it's working with any issue. enter image description here