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gitlab: Runner is offline, last contact was about some hours ago

recently my runners have been stopped and I don't know why?

I've just upgraded nodejs on the server and it did happen.

after this problem, I've tried to update gitlab to the latest version and check the runner status but the problem still persists and in the title of grey icon shows:

Runner is offline, the last contact was about 22 hours ago.

Runner is offline, the last contact was about 22 hours ago

What should I do?

and when I try to Retry stuck jobs, see this error:

This job is stuck, because you don't have any active runners online with any of these tags assigned to them: 'my label'.

Any Help is appreciated!


  • I don't why but I found the gitlab-runner was completely out of service. I've tried to fix it. at the first step, I've updated the gitlab-runner bit it didn't work. after that I decided to reinstall the gitlab-runner so I've met this steps:

    1. removing the gitlab-runner user with this command line: sudo deluser --remove-home gitlab-runner
    2. following the manual installation and configuration on here.

    and it worked.