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restrict requests to storage account container based on blob name via request header using APIM policy

I wish to connect an an api in Azure API manangement to a storage account container. Within this storage account I wish for the api to only be able to access a specific top-level directory in the container ("myfolder"). I am attempting to implement this using an inbound processing policy, but I'm struggling with finding the relevant documentation.

I imagine this involves triggering a 403 back to the user based on either a string variable containing the relevant header containing the blob name, or based on a boolean based on whether i get a regex match with '^myfolder' on the blob name header value. Alternatively, if the previous is not possible, modifying the request such that it fails.

Other possible solutions I could see are using check-header but where the allowed values is a check against its regex value, or using validate-headers, but I haven't figured it out yet

Any pointers to a possible solution would be appreciated


  • You can do something like below using Regex

        <base />
            <when condition="@(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(context.Request.Headers.GetValueOrDefault("x-ms-blob-name", ""), @"^myfolder"))">
                <!-- Allow the request to proceed -->
                    <set-status code="403" reason="Forbidden" />
                    <set-header name="Content-Type" exists-action="override">
                            "error": "Access to the requested resource is forbidden. You can only access blobs within the 'myfolder' directory."

    OR like this

        <when condition="@(context.Request.Headers.GetValueOrDefault("x-ms-blob-name", "").StartsWith("myfolder"))">
            <!-- Allow the request to proceed -->
                <set-status code="403" reason="Forbidden" />
                <set-header name="Content-Type" exists-action="override">
                        "error": "Access to the requested resource is forbidden. You can only access blobs within the 'myfolder' directory."