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Azure API Management: Import definition with components.schemas pointer to external URL

Now, im trying to import new API definitios with Externally Defined Components like: OAS 3.x documentation capture

But, in all of cases, we retreive the definition object blank: Result of the import in APIM

The specification points to URL like this:

      $ref: "https://xxxxxxxxxxx/docs-and-specs/published/products/connect_your_fleet/swagger/command_management_external.yaml#/components/schemas/Command"

I've tried with various methods, but It generates the same.

Any idea? Has a restriction to import this format the APIM? The documentation hasn't any reference about this restriction.. (

Some solution or clarifying answer please...


  • The documentation mentions that you can't reference external URLs so that is not possible. You need to embed the schema in the same file.

    enter image description here