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Power query: transform only one column into header and bring values from another column into corresponding columns

I may not describe well my question. I would like to only transform one column and make that column's values as new column header. And the cell value for these new columns will be based from another column.

I have a database like below:

Ref number Task name Task completed date
Ref1234 task1 02/12/2023
Ref1234 task2 03/05/2022
Ref1234 task3 02/11/2023
Ref1233 task1 03/05/2023
Ref1233 task2 02/02/2021
Ref1233 task3 03/10/2022

How can I use power query to change into this table:

Ref number task1 task2 task3
Ref1234 02/12/2023 03/05/2022 02/11/2023
Ref1233 03/05/2023 02/02/2021 03/10/2022

I tried unpivot, transform, and pivot but none of them work properly. I have quite big database.

Many thanks!


  • I assume your original table is called "Table1", below code should work:

      Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
      tasks = List.Distinct(Source[#"Task name"]),
      grouped = Table.Group(Source, {"Ref number"}, {"TaskInfos", each Record.FromList([#"Task completed date"], [#"Task name"])}),
      AddSubTable = Table.AddColumn(grouped, "SubTable", each Table.FromRecords({Record.AddField([TaskInfos], "Ref number", [Ref number])})),
      FilteredColumns = Table.SelectColumns(AddSubTable, {"SubTable"}),
      Expanded = Table.ExpandTableColumn(FilteredColumns, "SubTable", {"Ref number"}&tasks, {"Ref number"}&tasks)

    As horseyride suggested, I changed the last step to Table.ExpandTableColumn. it has better control over the order the columns, and makes the code cleaner.

    enter image description here enter image description here

    It groups your original table be ref number, and create a sub table based on each group's task names and task completed dates.