I have such a table
Code | Column A | Column B | Column C | Level | Column D | Column E |
1234 | Cell 1 | Cell 1 | Cell 1 | 25 | Cell 1 | Cell 1 |
1234 | Cell 2 | Cell 2 | Cell 2 | 50 | Cell 2 | Cell 2 |
1234 | Cell 3 | Cell 3 | Cell 3 | 50 | Cell 3 | Cell 3 |
1234 | Cell 4 | Cell 4 | Cell 4 | 75 | Cell 4 | Cell 4 |
5678 | Cell 5 | Cell 5 | Cell 5 | 10 | Cell 5 | Cell 5 |
5678 | Cell 6 | Cell 6 | Cell 6 | disabled | Cell 6 | Cell 6 |
5678 | Cell 7 | Cell 7 | Cell 7 | 20 | Cell 7 | Cell 7 |
5678 | Cell 8 | Cell 8 | Cell 8 | 100 | Cell 8 | Cell 8 |
9090 | Cell 9 | Cell 9 | Cell 9 | disabled | Cell 9 | Cell 9 |
9090 | Cell 10 | Cell 10 | Cell 10 | disabled | Cell 10 | Cell 10 |
9090 | Cell 11 | Cell 11 | Cell 11 | disabled | Cell 11 | Cell 11 |
9090 | Cell 12 | Cell 12 | Cell 12 | disabled | Cell 12 | Cell 12 |
I have grouped rows by "Code" and grabbed all values, so I ended up with mini tables. I want to identify those codes where the column "Level" in each mini table contains at least a "disabled" and other values.
Referring to the above table I should get as output only code 5678.
I managed to add a custom column "HasDisabled".
How can I filter out the codes that have all "disabled"?
Source = #"Import",
#"Sorted Rows" = Table.Sort(Source,{{"Code", Order.Ascending}}),
#"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Sorted Rows", {"Code"}, {{"Tables", each _, type table [#"Code"=nullable text, #"Column A"=nullable text, #"Column B"=nullable text, #"Column C"=nullable text, #"Level"=nullable text, #"Column D"=nullable text, #"Column E"=nullable text]}}),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Grouped Rows", "HasDisabled", each
Levels = [Tables][#"Level"], ContainsDisabled = List.Contains(Levels, "disabled", Comparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
#"Added Custom"
Try this:
Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table1"]}[Content],
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Code", Int64.Type}, {"Column A", type text}, {"Column B", type text}, {"Column C", type text}, {"Level", type any}, {"Column D", type text}, {"Column E", type text}}),
#"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Changed Type", {"Code"}, {{"All", each _, type table [Code=nullable number, Column A=nullable text, Column B=nullable text, Column C=nullable text, Level=any, Column D=nullable text, Column E=nullable text]}}),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Grouped Rows", "Custom", each
if List.Contains( [All][Level], "disabled") and List.Count( List.RemoveItems([All][Level],{"disabled"})) > 0 then true else false)
#"Added Custom"