I have a dataset containing a column called PowerPool
It contains values like EAPP, WAPP, NAPP, SAPP, CAPP (based on east, west, north, south and center). However, some rows contain values like WAPP/CAPP, SAPP/CAPP - meaning that a country in a row belongs to multiple power pools.
I want to create a filter in Power BI with EAPP, WAPP, NAPP, SAPP and CAPP as options. If I select CAPP, then all rows containing CAPP in PowerPool column (i.e., only CAPP, CAPP/EAPP, CAPP/SAPP, etc.) should be selected and filtered in the plot and table.
In Excel, this is pretty easy. One can simply use the filter option and type in the text. How can I implement it in Power BI dashboard?
I added a new dataset. The slicer will represent different combinations of power pools. e.g., Central African Power Pool will correspond to CAPP, EAPP/CAPP, SAPP/CAPP, SAPP/EAPP/CAPP, and all possible combinations.
And then i can add a new slicer as shown:
Note: To make this work, the relationship between different datasets need to be created beforehand.