I have a script that opens a set of Excel workbooks in a single Excel instance and updates connections and pivot caches. The end user reports that they usually open all the workbooks and refresh connections in parallel (as opposed to "in series" as the script does). It looks like parallel processing is possible with PowerShell but so far I'm unable to get Excel Workbooks to open using the script block and Start-Job
method. All that happens is that the Excel instance is launched and the job runs forever without completing and no workbooks open.
Best effort so far:
$filePath = "C:\testpath"
#Array: FileName, SaveAs
$files = @()
$files += , @("tst1.xlsx", $false)
$files += , @("tst2.xlsx", $false)
Write-output "$(Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd.hh:mm:ss): Starting loop"
$x1 = New-Object -ComObject "Excel.Application"
$x1.Visible = $true
ForEach($file in $files) {
# Define what each job does
$ScriptBlock = {
$wb = $x1.workbooks.Open("$filePath\$($file[0])")
ForEach ($cache in $wb.PivotCaches()) {
#Refresh this cache
# Execute the jobs in parallel
Start-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $x1,
# Wait for it all to complete
While (Get-Job -State "Running") {
# Pause for 10 seconds
Start-Sleep 10
# Getting the information back from the jobs
Get-Job | Receive-Job
Write-output "$(Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd.hh:mm:ss):Loop complete"
All of this works just fine without parallel processing:
$filePath = "C:\testpath"
#Array: FileName, SaveAs
$files = @()
$files += , @("tst1.xlsx", $false)
$files += , @("tst2.xlsx", $false)
Write-output "$(Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd.hh:mm:ss): Starting loop"
$x1 = New-Object -ComObject "Excel.Application"
$x1.Visible = $true
ForEach($file in $files) {
$wb = $x1.workbooks.Open("$filePath\$($file[0])")
ForEach ($cache in $wb.PivotCaches()) {
#Refresh this cache
Clues on how to get Excel to launch the workbook within the script block? I put a code break in on the $wb = $x1.workbooks.Open("$filePath\$($file[0])")
and the code doesn't stop, it just runs forever. This is the output returned:
Id | Name | PSJobTypeName | State | HasMoreData | Location | Command |
1 | Job1 | BackgroundJob | Running | True | localhost | ... |
3 | Job3 | BackgroundJob | Running | True | localhost | ... |
1 | Job1 | BackgroundJob | Running | True | localhost | ... |
3 | Job3 | BackgroundJob | Running | True | localhost | ... |
I hope this is what your looking for:
#Define the Filepath
$filePath = "C:\testpath\"
#Define the Files
$files = @("tst1.xlsx", "tst2.xlsx")
#Clear the workbootPaths Array
$workbookPaths = @()
foreach ($file in $files) {
#Create an PSobject that hold the filepath and the state (state is alway $false)
$wbary = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
Filepath = $filepath + $file
State = $false
#Add the PSObject to the $workbookpaths array
$workbookPaths += $wbary
# Define the Job
$scriptBlock = {
$x1 = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$x1.Visible = $true
$wb = $x1.Workbooks.Open($workbookPath)
foreach ($cache in $wb.PivotCaches()) {
Write-output "$(Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd.hh:mm:ss): Starting loop"
#Than start the job for each file
ForEach ($file in $workbookPaths) {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $filePath, $file.Filepath
# Wait for it all to complete
While (Get-Job -State "Running") {
# Pause for 1 seconds
Start-Sleep 1
# Getting the information back from the jobs
Get-Job | Receive-Job
Write-output "$(Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd.hh:mm:ss): Loop complete"