I'm trying to import excel file to csv format through power shell using this command
import-excel c:\users\xxxx\TestFile.xlsx | export-csv c:\users\xxx\CSVFile.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
It is working fine but issue is when the column value is empty for that double quotes are not coming.
Sample out put:-
"98456","Millan, Don K","Millan","Don","K",,"MD","SPECIALISTS","UROLOGY",,,,"0-99",,
Required output:-
"98456","Millan, Don K","Millan","Don","K","","MD","SPECIALISTS","UROLOGY","","","","0-99","",""
My excel input data is like below one
So is there any way to get quotes for all the empty cell when converting to csv in powershell.
Your "missing" values imply the source data is $null
for those properties:
PS> [pscustomobject] @{
"col1" = "val1"
"col2" = $null
# ^^^^^ null value
"col3" = "val3"
} | convertto-csv
which outputs
# ^^ no content
If you want an empty quoted string in the output, you need to put that value in the data:
PS> [pscustomobject] @{
"col1" = "val1"
"col2" = ""
# ^^ empty string
"col3" = "val3"
} | convertto-csv
which then outputs:
# ^^ empty string
So, after you've imported your data with import-excel
iterate over all the results and change any $null
values to ""
before you call export-csv:
$data = import-excel c:\users\xxxx\TestFile.xlsx
foreach( $item in $data }
foreach( $property in $item.psobject.properties )
if( $null -eq $property.Value )
$property.Value = ""
$data | export-csv c:\users\xxx\CSVFile.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
The result might not look any different if you display the property values on-screen before and after changing them, because neither $null
nor ""
display any printable characters, but when you export them you'll see the desired output.