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Calling generic API method from a generic class

I'm relatively new to the Kotlin community and found this apparently simple error that I haven't been able to solve yet:

import com.akuleshov7.ktoml.Toml
import com.akuleshov7.ktoml.source.decodeFromStream

class Something <out T> {
    private val file = File("file.toml").inputStream()
    private val content = Toml.decodeFromStream<T>(file)

Apparently Toml.decodeFromStream<T>(file) cannot use the wildcard from the class or it will return the error Cannot use T as reified type parameter. Use a class instead

I kind of found a workaround by implementing this function:

private inline fun <reified R : T> call() {
    // ...

Still that forces me to include the type when calling the function and even if it doesn't I still need to do this in the constructor. Has anyone found this error before?

I'm starting to think that what I want (Using the class wildcard in the method decodeFromStream) might not be possible in the constructor, o I just want to know if it's indeed not possible or, if it is, what should I change?


  • If syntax is important to you, you can spoof a constructor with the invoke() operator function, and use the method that @broot mentioned in his comment to get something like this. I've added a path constructor parameter because I'm not sure what the actual means of instantiating the inputStream is.

    This will give you an unchecked cast warning but should work. Example uses JSON.

    class Something<out T> @PublishedApi internal constructor(path: Path, clazz: Class<T>) {
        private val file = path.inputStream()
        private val content = Json.decodeFromStream(Json.serializersModule.serializer(clazz) as KSerializer<T>, file)
        companion object {
            inline operator fun <reified T> invoke(path: Path): Something<T> {
                return Something(path,
    val test = Something<MySerializableClass>("path/to/file.json")