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LinearProgressIndicator appears split in two in androidx.compose.material3 version 1.3.0

I am using LinearProgressIndicator in my Kotlin Compose project. After upgrading androidx.compose.material3 from version 1.2.0 to 1.3.0, I noticed that the LinearProgressIndicator no longer displays as expected. It should appear as a single, continuous progress bar, but instead, it looks split in two, with an extra dot appearing at the end.

The code is as follows:

fun CustomProgressBar() {
        progress = { 0.5f },
        trackColor = Color.Gray,
        modifier = Modifier
        color = Color.Blue,
        strokeCap = StrokeCap.Round,

Has anyone encountered this issue, or is there a known workaround to fix the display of LinearProgressIndicator in version 1.3.0?


  • I found the source of this issue: androidx.compose.material3 1.3.0 added two new parameters to LinearProgressIndicator: gapSize and drawStopIndicator.

    This is explained in the KDoc documentation as follows:

    gapSize - size of the gap between the progress indicator and the track

    drawStopIndicator - lambda that will be called to draw the stop indicator

    gapSize: Dp = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearIndicatorTrackGapSize,
    drawStopIndicator: DrawScope.() -> Unit = {
                drawScope = this,
                stopSize = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearTrackStopIndicatorSize,
                color = color,
                strokeCap = strokeCap

    When I gave the gapSize and drawStopIndicator Indicator parameters, I got the appearance I wanted and solved this problem.

            progress = { 0.5f },
            trackColor = Color.Gray,
            modifier = Modifier
            color = Color.Blue,
            strokeCap = StrokeCap.Round,
            gapSize = (-15).dp,
            drawStopIndicator = {}

    When we give the drawStopIndicator an empty function {}, we can hide the point at the end of the progress bar.

    When strokeCap ​​= StrokeCap.Round, giving gapSize = 0 does not provide a solution, it needs to be given a negative value. If strokeCap ​​= StrokeCap.Butt or strokeCap ​​= StrokeCap.Square is set, giving gapSize = 0 will work.