How can I set the cursor in a random position on a TextField when it it get focus?
The equivalent of editText.setSelection(position)
with the classic android view system.
This is the code I am using to have an edit text automatically receive the focus when it is added to the screen. I would like to be able to move the cursor from the default position which is 0
val (getText, setText) = remember { mutableStateOf("hello") }
text = getText,
setText = setText
private fun AutofocusEditText(
text: String,
setText : (String) -> Unit
) {
val focusState = remember { mutableStateOf(FocusState.Inactive) }
val focusRequester = FocusRequester()
val focusModifier = Modifier.focus()
modifier = Modifier.focusObserver { newFocusValue -> focusState.value = newFocusValue }
) {
val focusRequesterModifier =
value = text,
modifier = focusModifier.then(focusRequesterModifier),
backgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
onValueChange = setText,
keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions.Default.copy(
imeAction = ImeAction.Done
onImeActionPerformed = { action, softKeyboardController ->
if (action == ImeAction.Done) {
onActive {
You have to use the TextFieldValue version of TextField.
fun TextField(
value: TextFieldValue,
onValueChange: (TextFieldValue) -> Unit,
/* ... */) {/* Impl */}
Code examples: EDIT: Compose Version 1.1.1 (13.04.22)
enum class CursorSelectionBehaviour {
fun AutofocusTextFieldExample(
initValue: String,
behaviour: CursorSelectionBehaviour = CursorSelectionBehaviour.END
) {
val direction = LocalLayoutDirection.current
var tfv by remember {
val selection = when (behaviour) {
CursorSelectionBehaviour.START -> {
if (direction == Ltr) TextRange.Zero else TextRange(initValue.length)
CursorSelectionBehaviour.END -> {
if (direction == Ltr) TextRange(initValue.length) else TextRange.Zero
CursorSelectionBehaviour.SELECT_ALL -> TextRange(0, initValue.length)
val textFieldValue = TextFieldValue(text = initValue, selection = selection)
val focusRequester = remember { FocusRequester() }
modifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester),
value = tfv,
onValueChange = { tfv = it }
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
OLD (04.01.21):
fun AutoFocusingText() {
val textState = remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue()) }
val focusState = remember { mutableStateOf(FocusState.Inactive) }
val focusRequester = FocusRequester()
val focusModifier = Modifier.focus()
modifier = Modifier.focusObserver { focusState.value = it }
) {
val focusRequesterModifier = Modifier.focusRequester(focusRequester)
modifier = focusModifier.then(focusRequesterModifier),
value = textState.value,
onValueChange = { value: TextFieldValue ->
textState.value = value
onActive {
If you have a non-empty string as an initial value you have to change the selection manually. Replace the empty TextFieldValue with: TextFieldValue(text = value, selection = TextRange(value.length, value.length))
When you want to extract the value like it is in your code. You either add the current selection as a parameter or extract it combined with the TextFieldValue. Otherwise, if the user edits in the middle of the text the cursor jumps back to the end on the next onValueChanged.