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Auto inherite a parent class with decorator

I have a class decorator p() that can be used only on classes that inherite from some abstract class P.

So anytime someone uses p it should be written as follows:

class Child(P):

Is there any way to automatically inherite P using the decorator p() so it would simply be written as follows:

class Child:


  • As I commented, it's tricky to apply a base class using a decorator the way you asked. However, it is a lot easier if you try an alternative approach, where the decorator's behavior is incorporated into the base class, rather than the other way around.

    Here's an example, that prints out a message before calling the child class's __init__ method:

    from functools import wraps
    class Base:
        def __init_subclass__(cls):
            original_init = cls.__init__
            def wrapper(self, *args):
                original_init(self, *args)
            cls.__init__ = wrapper
    class Derived(Base):
        def __init__(self):

    You can customize the wrapper function's behavior to do whatever your decorator currently does (rather than just printing a message). And of course, the base class can have whatever other behavior you want the derived class to inherit, rather than just the __init_subclass__ machinery that enables changing the subclass's __init__ method.